Nutrition for the Mind, Hypnotherapy for a healthier life-style. MVB-Health.


Peak Performance

I will provide you with powerful mind training classes, role-playing activities, and video presentations capturing challenging real-life scenarios to build a compelling environment to identify your decision-making, feelings and emotions about these events. My objectives are to encourage you to “get to know” yourself, and make quick, positive actions in a very short period of time to:

  • Lay the foundation for open communication, work planning and problem solving.
  • Offer opportunities to brainstorm ideas for change.
  • Provide feedback to you and your team or coach.
  • Begin to build the basis for a longer-term working relationship between yourself and food, and/or your body.

When addressing Peak Performance in the workplace or in the athletic arena

I use Guided Imagery and Visualization Rehearsal tools in conjunction with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) consultations to question current thinking and mental barriers obstructing your performance.

I also incorporate Visual Assimilation scenarios, such as videos of sports events like mountain biking over a treacherous terrain, road bike riding in the Tour De France, competing in an Olympic event in front of hundreds of thousands of people, pitching in a World Championship baseball game, playing in an AFL final, and so forth. I examine the skills required, the mindset needed, and the comradeship and teamwork required to get the job done. It is, after all, that one quick decision, or that one-hundredth of a second that can make all the difference, and I draw that parallel of performance to you in the business world.

When addressing nutrition and weight maintenance

I know your “True Wealth Is Your Health”. I support this by providing you with mind training classes and real-life eating scenarios, like eating out amongst an abundance of junk food; eating under stressful situations; eating on the run with little time etc. As such, I can identify negative triggers and habits, and turn them around. After all, I know that the mind/body connection is imperative in determining the choices we make in life, and an unhealthy body leads to poor performance. I am committed to improving both your performance and productivity quickly.