You can’t determine your birth date – but you can influence your biological age with the proper knowledge and strategies.

Turning 50 doesn’t mean you must live with the tag lines of “middle age” or “over the hill”.

But, it is a time to regroup, refocus, and reeducate yourself on how to work with your body as it is changes with age.

If you are a woman, you’re likely noticing a lowering of both estrogen and progesterone that goes with pre-menopause or menopause, and if you are male, you’re likely experiencing lower testosterone, often referred to as andropause.

Your joints may also be aching and crunching a little, and past injuries are perhaps once again haunting you, making your workouts in your chosen sports or in the gym more about staying injury free and controlling inflammation, than reaching your past peak performances.

Perhaps you’re also noticing some unwanted fat around your abdomen, back and thighs that simply won’t budge despite all your best efforts, and on top of that, you’re observing changes in your skin texture and definitely a few more wrinkles!

Whatever it is for you, you are not “over the hill” and you can make your ageing hormones work for you to look fit and fabulous again, and in turn, have the time of your life!

After all, Fit and Fabulous at 50 and Over is a time to rejoice and celebrate each day as a mature citizen filled with wisdom, energy and zest!

You’ll learn in my programs how to:

  • Exercise smarter, not harder
  • Eat foods to control inflammation
  • Eat the right foods and exercises to build lean tissue and muscle
  • Shed unwanted body fat
  • Gain more energy
    Reduce and control stress
  • Exercises to rehab injuries
  • Foods and habits to boost your immune system
  • Foods and mindset exercises to maintain brain health
  • Natural strategies to get a youthful glow and texture to your skin without invasive laser treatments
  • Exercises to work on muscle volume to improve saggy skin around your elbows, knees … and much more
Fit & Fabulous at 50+ package