

International track athlete, nutritionist, author, life coach, professional speaker and mother of three, Michelle Baumgartner is an inspiration for all who seek to become the best they can be.

Having experienced and overcome an eating disorder in her youth, Michelle had a passion and an eagerness to help others overcome diversity and find fulfillment in their lives. She compiled a lifetime of ideas and experiences into the MVB-Health Centre for Health and Well-Being, a revolutionary and highly effective approach to long-term health, weight loss, life change and enhancement, tailored around an individual’s unique body, personality type, and mindset. NOT on dieting!

Persistent, passionate and possessing boundless energy, Michelle was a high-profile international track and field athlete in the mid 1980s and 1990s, setting records that remain to this day. Hailed as the Golden Girl of Australian running, she became a frequent guest on national television and a regular in the print media. Michelle represented Australia in numerous international events, winning a gold medal in the 1980 Pacific Conference Games, competing in the Commonwealth Games in 1990, and qualifying for the 1992 Olympic Games. Unfortunately, a ruptured Achilles abruptly ended her career prior to the Games.  Michelle knows only too well the kind of persistence, passion and psychological conditioning to set records, as well as the emotional and mental tools needed to overcome adversity and disappointment.

Combining such experiences with her innovative leadership, Michelle completed her degree in Health, Physical Education and Recreation at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia and became Head Coach and Director of Girl’s Sport at one of Melbourne’s most exclusive private schools. She later co-founded Leader Sports, a marketing and management firm, in 1991, and later completed her Masters certification in nutrition from the University of San Diego in 2010. Michelle is also a certified Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, and an accomplished competitive cyclist.

Michelle’s energy is boundless! Her enthusiasm for success and long-term health is contagious, and her eagerness to help others find this kind of fulfilment in their lives has inspired her to compile a lifetime of ideas and experiences into a program that really works.

Michelle’s Story:

How I faced starvation, poor performance and lost dreams, yet I have dedicated my life to the over weight, obese and those struggling to reach their dreams.