Josh Denning Interviews Michelle on The Tropical Entrepreneur Show

– Global

Michelle joins Josh Denning for a captivating interview where she covers her journey and the importance that the mind plays in one’s overall health and happiness.

Vivian Komori Interviews Michelle on The Broad Perspectives Network

– National

Michelle reveals the missing ingredient to losing weight quickly and easily – your brain! Understanding its role in weight loss and more! Change your mind; change your life.

Sam VanZandt Healthy Living Interview KBAY – 94.5 & MIX – 106.5

– San Jose, CA

An in-depth interview with Michelle defining why Diets Fail You, You Don’t Fail Diets. Considering that at any given time 1/2 of all adults in the U.S. are on a diet – It’s insight that everyone needs to hear.

Raul Gallyot, Host of Airwaves on KWMR - 89.9 and 90.5

– Bolinas, CA

Raul dives into Michelle’s amazing background story and discusses the impact of her industry-changing CD and new book, “It’s About Your Health”.

Kim McMillon Interviews Michelle on KYOS – 1480

– Central Valley CA

Kim breaks down Michelle Baumgartner’s new book that changes our outlook on what we believe about weight loss similarly to the way Louise Hay changed our knowing about healing.

Michelle talks to Tony Rodriguez at

– San Francisco

Join star international track athlete, nutritionist, life coach and author, Michelle Baumgartner, as she breaks down the stages prescribed in her new book, It’s About Your Health.

Michelle Baumgartner, Olympic Athlete