
Learn How We Transformed Our Bodies To Lean, Healthy and Toned

Michelle your book is overly amazing … I’m blown away on your perspective; everyone needs to know this … your story/philosophy and how to love yourself etc. This book is more than just a boring nutrition book. You need to get this book in as many people’s hands as you possible, this is what the people need to read when it comes to nutrition. It’s more than just counting calories. …I’m excited to finally read a nutrition book that finally goes after the real reason when it comes to over and under eating which is self-love.Bill Borsak, Personal Trainer, Founder/Director of Push, Personal Fitness
As an artist and healing professional, I have dedicated my life to helping people reduce stress and heal body, mind and spirit. Michelle Baumgartner’s books and programs are about healing those places in the mind and body that limit our spiritual and physical development. More than just information about weight loss, Michelle Baumgartner teaches us how to live a life of optimum joy and completeness. Steven Halpern – Grammy nominated recording artist, sound healer, and author of Sound Health.
The Inner World of Health book is an extraordinarily helpful addendum to the other books, audios and videos. It is very powerful and also reader friendly and contains many exercises, checklists, coaching points and more to help you learn to think more positively, develop self-compassion and a positive body image, de-stress and much more. Don’t miss out on this powerhouse guide for self-transformation so you can achieve a thinner and firmer body, and better, and more fulfilled life! Sharon Heller, PHD
Via powerful tools for positive thinking & self-confidence, these programs will teach you how to overcome emotional eating & self-sabotage, for example. Great for everyone from sedentary individuals to elite athletes. Order it now for health’s sake.Jeanne Murdock
After 60 years of experimenting with trying to find ways to control my weight, I believe Michelle Baumgartner’s MVB-Health new books and programs gives new sensible and practical guide to changing your life and mindset so that weight control will be a way of life, resulting in a healthier and happier person. I wish this program had been around a long time ago.Ron Trevethan. JD, LLM. Melbourne, Australia
Hi Michelle, I saw you speaking in Stockton at the New Earth Expo…. Today, I am now starting my transformation into the new me. For years I’ve taken care of other’s needs before my own…So after listening to you, I’ve decided it is time for me to put myself first, and change my path on my life’s journey… Thank you for your motivational talk and encouragement… it is greatly appreciated. Today: Joy is rising. Jan Bailey, Stockton, CA
This is great!! I figured out what body type I was and how to adjust my life and mind to be healthier. Changing my habits and thinking patterns really helped me change my decisions about food and exercise, and trust me, I needed a change! Robert B, Wisconsin
This has opened my eyes in so many ways. I’ve always gone the traditional route when it comes to dieting, and nothing seemed to work, just more and more of the same. I have never seen anyone explain it this way, and the beautiful part is that Michelle speaks from personal experience. She doesn’t give you meal plans etc, but helps you create yourself and your lifestyle from the inside out. I’ve already shared what I’ve learned with so many people. If you know anyone who is struggling, I would suggest you do the same.Duke Getzinger
The MVB-Health programs are amazing tools to help you make the necessary changes to live and healthy life style as well as helping you losing weight. The positive thinking Michelle emphasizes in these books works really well for me and helped me lose 15 pounds and tone up my body. By changing my perception and being positive my life and attitude about myself changed all togetherIsabelle Rodriguez
Michelle Baumgartner has written rich and insightful books about not just how to lose weight, but living your life in a manner that is healthy and healing for the soulKim McMIllon
Michelle Baumgartner (programs) are an inspirational and important new take on dieting: it’s not about counting calories but about counting your blessings. Successful dieting comes from self-love and self-respect so that you wish to do what is best for your body and your life. Without self-love, you will just continue to be caught in yo-yo dieting and gain back the dreaded weight. To help you get off the beaten track of “I’m so fat, I’ll never lose the weight,” and onto, “I love my body and have the power to do what is best for it,” Baumgartner has designed a comprehensive program. It consists of: healthy eating and nutrition with tons of easy to make, delectable recipes for you to eat; a transition plan to go from junk food eating to whole food eating; a guide in changing your thinking from positive to negative; information on how to eliminate the stress in your life that creates emotional eating; time management so you can figure out how to make all those delectable recipes even if you lead a very busy life, as well as much information on what creates binge eating to begin with. If you want a permanent solution to your dieting woes, pick up Baumgartner’s programs.Sharon Heller, PHD
If you looking for a “miracle” diet/weight loss book, this isn’t it. If you are looking for a “quick fix” weight loss/diet book, this isn’t it. If you are looking to get to the real reason you aren’t losing weight and are ready to be educated, then this is the book/workbook for you. I have been working through the books and have been surprised at what I have been learning. If you are looking for a well thought out and informative books about weight loss, then you definitely need to get these. Thank you to the publisher for providing us with a ARC of the books and workbook for our review.MommysGoneShoppingAgain
I’m a mother of 4 boys and I have been trying to lose weight without any real success for so long. When I did lose some, it seemed like it was back in no time at all. So frustrating! This program is a God sent! For anyone reading this who knows where I’m coming from – trust me, this is your answer!Danielle D.
I love Michelle Baumgartner’s (The Inner World of Fat Loss) books and programs. I sat down and did the exercises outlined and realized that not only are they helpful, but they allow you to examine the reasons why you’re overeating in a manner that is clear and helpful to anyone interested in a new way of thinking about food.Kim McMillon
I can’t begin to express what these books and programs have meant to me, it gave me a whole new outlook on how I can address my issues with losing weight. Michelle actually talks to you one-on-one through these pages. It’s Amazing! Thank you so much Michelle for taking the time out of your life to create these books and programs. I’m sure it will touch and impact many lives as it has mine! — Shiela C, Chicago
The MVB-health programs changes what we believe about weight loss similarly to the way Louise Hay changed our knowing about healing. These programs reduce the pain of weight loss with step-by-step achievable plans that invites your whole body, mind and spirit to the table. They have been life changing for me; inspiring and informative. I have learned so much, and have now finally been able to actually make concrete changes and lose 36 pounds after twenty years of being obese. — Karen B.Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT)
I’ve been overweight since I can remember. So I didn’t think it was going to work for me, or I could get such great results. I was 186 pounds before I started. I’m now 151 pounds. Sticking with this program changed my life, and my family’s too. I am a happier and healthier person, and I even want of go to the beach with my kids now! I’m proud of my body for the first time in my life. Maria L., Age: 33
When I started the MVB-health program I was 194 lbs. I knew I had to do something different. Learning more about good food and how not to overeat with crazy portions, and learning more about my body and my metabolism changed everything for me. I learned how to eat for my body type and how to think like a healthy person. I never thought my mind came before my body or that my thoughts were the main culprit for my fat body. But, they were! This program is really life changing. Angela J., Age: 44
Don’t let anyway tell you that you can’t lose weight after 60! I gained 38 pounds after having my three children, and over the next thirty years, I put on more weight, weighing anything up to 170 to 180 pounds, and I’m only 5 feet 2! I was out of control. I hated my life and my body. Michelle and her team turned everything around for me. They taught me how to get my life back in control. For me, it was learning to change my thinking about myself, and everything else seemed to fall into place. My eating improved, I learned to eat for my body type, and I actually wanted to exercise again. I lost 35 pounds in a little over 3 months. I love my new body and my new life. Caroline B., Age: 62
I’ll admit it, my girlfriend and mother of my two year old son persuaded me to do (pushed me into doing) this program with her! I was pretty skeptical. It was for women, not men, or so I thought. But, I figured this was the only body I have, so worth a go. I lost just under 35lbs in the first 3 months, and most of that was changing my diet and how I approached my life. I was a slug, and I didn’t look after myself. Changing that was important. In the next two months, after upping my gym routine, I lost another 13 lbs. I still have a ways to go to get that buffed body. Yet, this is the only program I’ve been able to stick to, it suits my personality type, and I’m pretty happy about it Shawn J., Age: 34
At a time when the world is on the diet and weight loss bandwagon, Michelle Baumgartner exposes the LIES in the process and shares ways to overcome them. We have interviewed many folks on The Broad Perspective about this subject. What could be said that hasn’t been said already? Now that I have interviewed Michelle, the answer is, a great deal. Michelle was a delight, conversational, insightful, and our listeners were duly impressed. Her books and programs, well thought out and organized, are a valuable resource worth keeping. Vivian Komori – Radio host, Thebroadperspective.com
There are very many diet books and programs out there, but if you have ever struggled to lose weight, just to have it come back and more, you will really appreciate the MVB’s new approach to diet and weight loss: it’s not about what you are eating, it’s about what you are thinking! William Robinson – Melbourne, Australia, JD.