Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember,
involve me and I learn.

— Attributed to Ben Franklin

These words, attributed to Ben Franklin, speak to the central philosophy behind what I do at MVB-Health—from my weekly personal coaching to the healthy community that I bring to you; to my coaching videos and audios, and my action-orientated workshops and “mind” training classes—I don’t simply “teach” you, but instead, involve you, and provide a support system that is truly relevant to your long-term well-being and success.

The MVB Approach To Nutrition and Eating

There is no single or specific way to eat. The human body is both highly adaptable and also unique. So, there are many ways to eat, depending on your culture, environment, personal needs, food preferences, budget, and also your physical characteristics such as body, blood and metabolism type.
For instance, some countries are well known for low obesity rates. In Asia, these include Philippines, Thailand, Japan and the prefecture of Okinawa, and France in Europe. Asian cultures enjoy small servings of fish, soy, white rice, red meat, sauces (often lightly sweetened) and ample fresh, local vegetables. The traditional French diet, however, is filled with small servings of pastries, rich cream sauces, poultry, fish and red meat, combined with ample legumes, and fresh local vegetables with quality wines and cheeses.

One diet does not fit all!

For this reason, at MVB-Health, I work with a variety of natural eating plans that involve real, whole natural foods, and I combine the science of nutrition with the art of individualized coaching to guide you through important—yet sustainable—changes in your eating and lifestyle habits.

MVB-Health respects and honors different cultures and approaches to eating

I will work with you to find the best program suited to your needs. My job is to guide and support you to find what is right for you, and then offer the most current scientific knowledge about health, fitness and nutrition to create a strategic set of progressive, practical actions to help you reach your goals.